In the past decade, innovations in technology have widely expanded the American entertainment industry. Along with these innovations, a new form of the internet has been introduced, social media. Social media is a place where all generations, mostly Gen Z and millennials, can come together to create a community for their specific interests. Despite social media’s welcoming appearance, it can cause young adults and influencers around the world to develop mental health issues.
Social media not only affects this generation’s mental health, but their sleep as well. Sleep is the source of human energy, and without it, we tend to function less efficiently than when we have a good night’s sleep. According to a British study cited by Business Insider, children may be losing the equivalent of one night’s sleep a week from social media use. Almost 70 percent of the kids surveyed were spending four or more hours on social media every day and 12.5 percent were waking up at night to check notifications.
Cyberbullying is a form of bullying where the bully is behind the comfort of a screen. According to a 2022 Pew Reseach Center poll, 46 percent of U.S. kids between the age of 13–17 report that they have been cyberbullied. Cyberbullying can have catastrophic impacts on young adults’ lives.
Social media is filled with highly processed and artificial photos or videos, making influencers seem “perfect.” These fake lifestyles and personas can fill teens with self-hate and lead to depression.
According to, the average 13-year-old spends over four hours a day on social media.
As this generation approaches adulthood, a new generation has been introduced, Generation Alpha. We need to work together to protect Generation Alpha from the monstrosity known as social media.