Recently I was able to participate in the 20th Annual Student Design & Build Contest, KIDStruction competition. KIDStruction is a competition in which sixth, seventh, and eighth graders can participate.

Using only business cards, toothpicks and hot glue, teams design a building that fits on a 12x12 inch foam based on one of five categories within the overall theme. Every year KIDStruction’s theme is different, this year’s theme was “The Path Ahead.” The Path Ahead focused on how the pandemic has changed our everyday lives and the spaces where we learn, live or work.

The five categories for the year were: residential living spaces, gatherings (restaurants, movie theaters, gardens, etc.), healthcare (medical facilities or assisted living), work spaces like offices, and education facilities. If a team chose the healthcare category, their building would be a hospital or assisted living home and they would design their building to show how the pandemic would change the design of the building.

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