TNR, which stands for Trap-Neuter-Return, is good for cats. TNR keeps the feral cat population at a minimum. Feral cats are cats that rarely have human interaction. According to People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, around 60 to 100 million feral cats live in the U.S. My family and I have done a lot of TNR on many different cats that are thriving today.
You’ll need a few things to start. You need a humane cat trap, wet food, water, a sheet, a large kennel, and a litter box. First, you must let the cat get used to the trap so it will be easier to catch. Put the trap outside and keep it open. After a couple of days, set the trap in the evening. Place wet food in it and wait for the cat to be caught. My family used a camera to see when the cat was caught. Then, quietly put a sheet over the cat and bring it inside to a peaceful place. The next morning, take the cat to a spay and neuter clinic. After surgery, keep and care for the cat for a day to a week in a large kennel. The time depends on their health and if it’s a male or female. Finally, release the cat to where you caught it.
TNR is good for cats and anyone can do it. There is also TNVR, which stands for Trap-Neuter- Vaccinate-Return. Visit to learn how you can get involved.