A great place to visit and spend the summer this year is your local public library. Every year around the country, public libraries celebrate the Summer Reading Program. It starts on June 1 and ends on Aug. 1. It is a game where every minute you read equals one point. You also can earn points by attending events and looking for secret codes in the libraries and other places around town. Your goal is 1,000 points.

I had the opportunity to interview Sean P.S. George, the South Region Manager and South Mountain Community Library Co-Manager. George is excited because the Summer Reading Program is getting closer to normal after having to close during the pandemic. This year there will be more events.

I was curious about who creates the theme. George told me it is created by a national organization called Collaborative Summer Library Project. Every state used to come up with its own theme, but around the year 2000 this organization formed, and most libraries across the country use this collaborative summer reading theme. The theme this year is “All Together Now.”

The program has great sponsors, local business that support the local libraries. Some prizes might be different at each branch depending of its location. You start earning prizes when you enroll.

Don't wait! Enroll now, read, and have fun getting prizes!



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