Did you know that over 53 MILLION people visit Disney World over the course of just one year? During winter break my family took a vacation to Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida.

We visited all four of the different parks in just four days. We went back to the Magic Kingdom after the Animal Kingdom because we got tickets to the Mickey’s Magical Christmas Party. There, we got really cute Mickey bucket hats that were Christmas themed.

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My family and I went to Patagonia, Arizona. We drove through Tucson to our cute little AirBnB that looked like a playhouse.

The next day, we went bird-watching and saw many animals, including squirrels, a violet-crowned hummingbird, and, surprisingly, a Cooper’s Hawk. During the hike, we saw something so special that my family and I quietly crouched down to take a picture. About 60 feet in front of us, was a herd of deer with their fawns.

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The idea Museum reopened its doors to the public on Dec. 13 after cloain in September to make some updates. The grand reopening includes a new exhibit called Joyride: Art On Wheels. This special exhibit was designed for young minds and families.

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Costa Rica is a small green country located in Central America, only 51,100 square kilometers. It has immense beautiful tropical forests, all types of flowers and plants like hydrangeas, orchids, jade trees, lantanas, monstera deliciosa, and even more!

Costa Rica has 5,300,000 inhabitants of which approximately 1,000,000 are foreigners. The national flower is the Guaria Morada, a type of purple epiphyte orchid. It represents the natural beauty of Costa Rica, and it brings fortune and good luck.

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In a unique calendar alignment, two major cultural holidays—the Hindu festival of Diwali and the Western holiday of Halloween—coincided this year, creating a vibrant tapestry of traditions across communities worldwide! The Hindu calendar is based off the lunar cycle. Because of this, having both holidays fall on the same day, although rare, has happened before, leaving many Indian-American families grappling between the choice of Halloween or Diwali. Many people of Indian-American origin decided to choose a fusion of their two cultures.

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Christmas is coming, and everybody’s excited! They’re out buying decorations, gift bags, food, wrapping paper, Santa Claus apparel, and arguably the most important part... presents! The list goes on and on, right? Buying all these things can be fun and rewarding at first, but doing so can also harm the environment, sometimes in ways we can’t even see.

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In the book “The Sparkle Box” a boy named Sam is very excited when he notices something shiny on the mantel. His mother tells him that the special gift is called a sparkle box and they will all open it together later, but she and Sam’s dad must fill it first.

Sam becomes more curious about what’s inside the sparkle box. As Sam and his parents do things to help people in need and the homeless, it makes Sam wonder more and more about what could be inside the box.

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TNR, which stands for Trap-Neuter-Return, is good for cats. TNR keeps the feral cat population at a minimum. Feral cats are cats that rarely have human interaction. According to People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, around 60 to 100 million feral cats live in the U.S. My family and I have done a lot of TNR on many different cats that are thriving today.

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