Are superheroes your thing? Do you geek out when it comes to your favorite fandom? Do you just love a good time? If you answered “Yes” to any of this, then Phoenix Fan Fusion is the place for you! Filled with many different fandoms, Phoenix Fan Fusion has something for everyone. Fan Fusion is the “signature pop culture event of the Southwest,” says Director of Events and Activities for Fan Fusion, Mac MacKellar. “It is every nerdy, geeky, fandom all rolled into one.”
Every year, on March 17, people celebrate the life and legacy of St. Patrick, an Irish saint. There are feasts and parades, dances and parties…but how did this all start? Well, the story of St. Patrick’s Day goes all the way back to the late 4th century.
Black History Month is an important time when we celebrate the achievements, lives, and cultures of African Americans. Black History Month evolved throughout the 1900s. Black History Month was originally started by Carter G. Woodson, “The Father of Black History,” who wanted a way to highlight the contributions that Black people brought to the American community.
“Humanity is at the mouth of a long, dark tunnel, and right at the end of the tunnel, it’s a little star. That’s hope.” Those are the words of Dr. Jane Goodall, an English primatologist and anthropologist. She was in Arizona in June to promote her new documentary, “Jane Goodall: Reasons for Hope,” playing at the Arizona Science Center through September 1. I had the opportunity to see the documentary and be part of a media panel interview with Dr. Goodall and David Lickley, the writer, producer and director.
Recently, my family traveled to England with my Tizzy and Grandad! I had a wonderful time. London is very different from Arizona. I loved the architecture of all the bridges and buildings. London is very old, so quite a few of the buildings look old fashioned and ornate, like the famous clock tower Big Ben and Buckingham Palace. Buildings and shops decorated with flowers around the windows and doors were especially pretty.
Have you heard of the concept of a Little Free Library? A Little Free Library is a box filled with books; the concept is take a book or share a book. My family put one up in our neighborhood recently! It was a lot of fun to organize!
First I got in touch with my neighborhood’s HOA (Home Owners Association) to ask if I could have permission to install the library. Once I got permission, my family had to order, paint, and assemble the library to the library’s post. My family used paint stain to protect and seal the library wood and post.
I sat down with Tanner Morris to talk about his theater experience and the recent production he directed, “Yes, Virginia, There Is A Santa Claus” at East Valley Children’s Theatre. He gave me a fun sneak peek into “The Frog Prince” coming Feb. 16–26.
“I’m stepping away from directing and going back to stage managing the next show. (It’s) the winner of EVCT’s playwriting contest. It’s a musical, and there’s basketball in it!” says Morris.
I sat down with director Tanner Morris to talk about his theater experience and the current production he is directing, “Yes, Virginia, There Is A Santa Claus” at East Valley Children’s Theatre.
Have you ever wondered what it is like being mayor? In the Young Reporters October Zoom Meeting, we got to speak with Valeria Molina, the current Mayor of Guadalupe! She had lots of interesting things to share.
The incorporated Town of Guadalupe is located between Tempe and Phoenix, near South Mountain, and is about 0.66 square miles with about 6,000 residents. Guadalupe was founded by the Yaqui Indians around the turn of the century.
This summer, I went on holiday to Western Australia and did many fun activities including spelunking! Spelunking is the exploration of caves, especially as a hobby. A speleologist is a person who studies caves or goes into caves. I toured a couple of caves and was amazed and learned lots of interesting facts!