I like smoothies! Why? A smoothie is a good source of protein and energy, it tastes good as well as it’s easy to make, and it’s on the go. I make one every morning before I go to school and even on the weekends, too, and so does my dad! Here is one of the recipes my dad makes for me.

 Make yourself feel fruity with a berry blast!


 • 1 cup ice

• ó medium banana

• ó cup of vanilla ice cream

• ó teaspoon vanilla extract

• 1 cup blueberries

• . cup milk

• Fresh mint on top!

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 Did you know there are so many kinds of shoes? I collect basketball shoes and stylish shoes.

I think these types of shoes are cool, and they look good. My grandma bought me my first pair of Jordans around three years ago. I thought they were so neat and wanted to get more. That is when I started collecting shoes.

My favorite shoe is the Dior 3. Some are going for more than $900! There are also Jordan, Yeezy and Nike shoes. Some of my friends and I trade shoes with each other. I get other shoes from the mall or online.

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