Have you ever heard of the Children’s Entrepreneur Market? On Nov. 16 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Desert Ridge Market Place, 21001 N. Tatum Boulevard in Phoenix, many kid entrepreneurs will have the opportunity to sell their products or services. Children can sell almost anything handmade, store-bought, food, games or services. This market is completely run by kids ages 5–17.
The Paris 2024 Paralympic Games were held this August and September a few weeks after the Olympics. The Paralympic Games are international sports competitions for athletes with disabilities. The word Paralympic comes from the Greek preposition “para” (beside or alongside) and the word Olympic, an adjective, meaning relating to the ancient city of Olympia or the Olympic Games.
James Patterson is a renowned writer, but of all his books, “Word of Mouse” seems to be one of the lesser known. However, it happens to be one of my favorites. Illustrated by Chris Grabenstein, the book is filled with beautiful depictions of what is happening in the story.
Mackinzie Houston Dickman is a skier who got disabled in her legs after a car accident. She learned to ski when she was only 2 years old. She absolutely despised being away from the mountains when she was in a wheelchair. She soon discovered sit skiing and loved it.