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What is the Humane Society? The Humane Society is a place where people can adopt pets like cats and dogs.

The Humane Society also has special events like free adoption days, but that’s not the point. The point is that dogs, cats, and other animals are not getting adopted and more of them are coming in everyday. So adopting from the Humane Society and other pet organizations helps the community.

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TNR, which stands for Trap-Neuter-Return, is good for cats. TNR keeps the feral cat population at a minimum. Feral cats are cats that rarely have human interaction. According to People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, around 60 to 100 million feral cats live in the U.S. My family and I have done a lot of TNR on many different cats that are thriving today.

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Have you ever heard of a donkey sanctuary? Near Benson, Arizona, the Forever Home Donkey Rescue has been helping donkeys for over 26 years. Donkeys can have all kinds of issues, such as abuse from owners, neglect, loss of sight or hearing, dental problems, insulin resistance or diabetes, and many more problems.

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It’s lots of fun making bird feeders out of pinecones, covering them with peanut butter and rolling them in birdseed to hang outside. There is also a way to make a bird feeder out of an egg carton. This bird feeder is an eco-friendly activity that’s not only a fun craft project, but can be reused over and over.

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I went to Patagonia Lake to go fishing with my family during winter break. We drove there for what felt like hours but when we finally got there it was cold and raining. I did not care. I really wanted to catch a fish.

I practiced throwing the fishing rod a couple times. I felt ready and my dad put the bait on my hook. I sat there for a long time waiting to catch a fish but I did not. I moved to a different spot and tried again and still did not catch a fish. No matter what, I still had fun fishing with my family.

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 Doink! Everyone has heard that sound before and gone rushing to the nearest window only to find an injured bird lying on the ground outside of the glass. This is called a bird window strike. Sometimes the inside of your home looks like a warm haven to an unlucky bird, and sometimes their reflection looks like another bird and they try to attack it. Other times the surrounding environment reflects off of the glass, making it look like somewhere they can fly.

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On my last trip to the Phoenix Zoo, I visited the new and exciting exhibit Predator Passage. Predator Passage has over five different animal species including African lions, a Fennic fox, and Ruppel’s griffon vultures.

You can get a birdseye view of these stunning animals from the 20-foot Predator Passage Tower or walk along the path to get up close and personal.

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Did you hear there’s one new animal at Brights Zoo that is really special? Why is it special you may ask? It is a baby female giraffe that has no spots or patterns. The baby giraffe was born on July 31 in Limestone, Tennessee.

This is the first spotless giraffe born in the United States. The spotless giraffe is unique because the last time this happened was in 1972 in Tokyo, Japan. The baby giraffe is healthy. It is six feet tall. The giraffe’s mom is named Sheena.

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Are you looking to learn about the Sonoran Desert animals of Arizona? I reviewed Julie Bonner’s Desert Dwellers Flashcards. Bonner is a local painter and graphic designer who created alphabet flashcards about Southwest desert animals. Each card contains an acrylic painting of the animal and a story.

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Picture this: A huge shark is hoisted onto a research boat. Three people rush to secure her—to stop her from thrashing around and getting hurt. Who are these people? Why have they brought a shark on deck? Are they… sitting on her?

Two of the participants in this crazy scene are Brooke Anderson and Beckah Campbell. These brave scientists conduct research at the Sulikowski Shark and Fish Research Lab at ASU in Glendale. Wait. People research sharks in the desert? Yes!

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