SARSEF is a science and engineering fair for grades Pre-K and up. My project this year was the Travel-Sized Sink. I made it because whenever my family goes to the bathrooms at the park they are dirty and never have soap.
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SARSEF is a science and engineering fair for grades Pre-K and up. My project this year was the Travel-Sized Sink. I made it because whenever my family goes to the bathrooms at the park they are dirty and never have soap.
In my neighborhood there was a giant puddle formed by the monsoon rain. One day my mom and I decided to go for a walk. We looked in the puddle for tadpoles and saw none. The next week we looked again and we saw one and then a whole bunch.
We realized that the tadpoles could get run over by a car. So we made a sign that said “Avoid puddle. Tadpoles!” so the cars wouldn’t drive over the puddle and the tadpoles would be safe.