“The Wild Robot” is a children’s animation movie about a robot who gets lost while being delivered, and is now stuck in the wild. The robot is named “Roz 7134.” She finds animals while in the forest. The animals don’t like her very much, because they think she is a monster that will kill them all.

In reality, all Roz is trying to do is fulfill her task. Although, when she realizes no one wants her, she tries to go back to where she came from, but the animals won’t let her. They break her transmitter.

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Kinzie Houston Dickman got into a life changing car crash in 2019, when she was 23 years old. She has had to change her whole way of living her life.

When Dickman was little, she loved the snow and skiing. She learned to ski at the early age of 21 /2 years old. Eventually, she switched from skiing to snowboarding. She shared some of the details about the car crash. According to Dickman, “It was a very traumatic car accident. It took a lot of policemen, firefighters, paramedics, even a helicopter ride to the hospital to keep me alive.”

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 “Our Hidden Powers: Working Together for a Planet in Balance” is a story where we learn about different forms of renewable energy through the lens of five characters. The characters, Windy, Sunny, Terry, Kai, and Ignis, represent wind, sun, earth, water, and fire. They learn that they work together to make renewable, sustainable energy.

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Temperatures in Phoenix have finally been dropping, persuading more people to get outside and exercise, especially on popular walking trails like the Murphy’s Bridle Path in north Phoenix. “The Bridle Path is a reminder that I have to get moving every day at my age,” says Adam Day, a Phoenix resident who was out walking on Murphy’s Bridle Path in the early evening in late October. Day said he tries to get out and walk on the popular trail often. “I need to do this about 5 days a week,” Day says.

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