La Paloma Academy’s Central campus offers a private school education, tuition-free. The K-8 charter school is located at 2050 N. Wilmot Road. The campus, includes a multi-media center/library with state-of-the-art flat screen computers. Students can also enjoy an indoor cafeteria, recreation room, full-size soccer field, basketball courts and two playgrounds. Call (520) 721-4205.
La Paloma’s Lakeside offers a private school education, tuition-free. The campus is located at 8140 E. Golf Links Rd. We offer sports programs, cheerleading, plus many other extracurricular activities. Our media center features 20 new computers and an extensive library collection. Lakeside features two classes per grade, providing small class sizes and creating a productive learning environment. Call (520) 733-7373.
Those who attend La Paloma South campus, located at 5660 S. 12th Avenue in Tucson, are taught about trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring, and citizenship. La Paloma South offers a private school education, tuition-free. The campus provides an exceptional educational environment, focusing on academics, community involvement, and character values. Call (520) 807-9668.
La Paloma Academy’s newest tuition-free campus, at 13644 N. Sandario Road in Marana, is now open for the 2024-2025 school year! Like all La Paloma schools, the new Marana campus provides an exceptional educational environment, focusing on incredible academics, community involvement, and family values. Call (520) 825-9667.